The After Dark Trail.
We are so used every year to the Preps entertaining us with their Nativity plays. However, this year Preps I, II and III were in for a treat as, on Monday 7th December, the Juniors entertained the Preps with the story of the Nativity. But this was no ordinary Nativity. It took place in the Prep Meadow where the Juniors had prepared a promenade event, starting with the Annunciation and taking the Preps around the meadow via angels, shepherds, the stable in Bethlehem, the three kings and the flight into Egypt.
This was a very moving and dramatic rendition of the Nativity story, complete with music. The Preps were enthralled as they moved with the story, so beautifully prepared by the Juniors, around the meadow.
Congratulations to the Juniors and their teachers who had rehearsed this wonderful event especially for the Preps to enjoy.