Priory 6 Mathematicians reap rewards

Posted: 4th December 2020

The UK Maths Challenge.

Ms Corsini writes with news about this year’s Senior UK Maths Challenge, run by the UK Mathematics Trust.  This is a competition we take part in every year, enjoying the mathematical challenges it poses!

‘Last month, students from around the United Kingdom took part in the annual Senior Mathematics Challenge organized by the UK Maths Trust (UKMT). Every year, over 600,000 pupils aged between 11 and 18 from 4,000 schools take part in the UKMT Challenges, making it the UK’s biggest national maths competition. This year, although a very strange one, was no different for the girls of St Augustine’s Priory.

On Monday 19th October, Priory 6 pupils completed the online Senior Maths Challenge – tackling twenty-five complex multiple choice questions, all in under ninety minutes. The thought of a multiple choice test may give the illusion of ease, but the title of challenge is not just for show. One incorrect answer would lead to negative marks and harm your overall score. No guessing for these brave mathematicians!

Each question is specifically designed to test one’s problem solving and reasoning skills.  Encouraging students to think critically and apply all of their understanding, knowledge and techniques to sophisticated conundrums. The top 6% of all participants are given a Gold certificate, the next 13% receiving Silver and the next 21% Bronze. The highest achieving students will also move onto Senior Kangaroo – an invitation only 60-minute competition consisting of twenty problems. The name Kangaroo acknowledges the contribution made by Australia to establishing large-scale mathematics contests.  This time, all answers will be a positive integer less than 1000, no multiple-choice answers!

…And the results have been counted and verified! In Priory 6, Mariam was awarded a bronze certificate, Melay and Adrine silver and Naomi achieved a cracking gold! Naomi has also been invited to take part in Senior Kangaroo, which will take place this week.

A huge well done to everyone who took part and we wish Naomi all the best in the next round.

Why not have a go at a one of the questions and see how you do? The answer is included below – no cheating!’


(ANSWER:  D  1 : π – 2)

Categories: Sixth Form Whole School
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