Dyslexia Awareness Week

Posted: 2nd October 2020

The richness of Neurodiversity.

Mrs Thackray has alerted us to some activities next week to mark Dyslexia Awareness Week, running from 5th – 11th October.  She writes, ‘Next week is Dyslexia Awareness Week and we have arranged some thought-provoking in-class activities for our pupils around the theme of ‘Dyslexia Creates’ and have extended this to include Neurodiversity. Our aim is to raise awareness of Neurodiversity, the diversity of human brains and minds, thus creating better understanding and empathy.  Pupils from Lower I to Upper VI will be completing some activities as well as taking part in ‘Go Red for Dyslexia’ on Friday when red accessories may be worn.’

The British Dyslexia Association has given these links to use in social media: 



We are delighted to showcase the wonderful piece of artwork produced by Beatrice in Upper IV to accompany Dyslexia Awareness Week.

Categories: Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here