Prep II and Prep III Mass

Posted: 25th September 2020

The Good Shepherd.

Prep II and Prep III produced a wonderful display of sheep in the Chapter Room this week!  This was in preparation for their Celebratory Mass on 23rd September to begin the school year.  This was on the theme of ‘The Good Shepherd’, and Miss Keane, Deputy Head Juniors (Academic), had this to say:

‘We come together today to our Celebratory Mass to begin our school year. We pray as a community for each other and for the whole school family. We ask God to give us hope as we look forward to our learning, friendships, sport, music, clubs and everything that is part of our school life.  Give us courage to walk together with friends who are already familiar to us and with new friends who have joined us. May we come to know and love God more each day as we grow and learn together.’

The Mass was celebrated for us by Fr Thomas and Prep II and Prep III joined in beautifully with the prayers all through the Mass.

As Jesus said. ‘I am the good shepherd, says the Lord. I know my own sheep and my own know me.’

Prep II and Prep III have written their names on the lambs displayed in the Chapter Room and have also beautifully decorated them.

Categories: Faith Life Prep Whole School