Blended learning

Posted: 10th July 2020

Visionary education.

St Augustine’s Priory has embraced blended learning with a creative drive during these ‘new normal’ times.  Since the beginning of lockdown, classes have continued in all subjects even though pupils and teachers have been absent from school and, now that some classes have returned to school, blended learning continues. Learning has not stopped, progress has been rapid, education has thrived.

We are delighted that all of the skills learned by staff and pupils are replicable.  This has now resulted in our being in a position to share our knowledge and programmes on blended learning by embarking on training for the local deanery schools – training which started this week.

In the mornings at St Augustine’s Priory the classes which have returned to school – Prep I, Prep II and Upper II  – divide into their bubbles and, from their classrooms, join together with their classmates who remain at home in learning all the subjects they would normally all study together in class.  Prep II has even welcomed classmates who are in Japan and South Africa.  Distance is no object!

Classroom technology has come into its own as teachers have embraced the opportunity to continue children’s education.  Different teachers use different applications and engage the students in Science, Maths and English, History, French, Art and even PE.  All the subjects normally covered in the school day take place.

These are strange times, but at St Augustine’s Priory we demonstrate that teachers and pupils adapt and thrive, learning new skills, relishing new challenges and refusing to accept that education stands still.

Photographs:  Bonjour Photography.

Categories: Junior Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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