Prep III poets

Posted: 8th July 2020

‘Silly Stuff’.

Poets need to start young!  Prep III have proved this by studying poetry and its forms and then writing their own verse.

Mrs Lubowiecka reports that on Friday 3rd July, ‘Prep III finished their poetry unit ‘Silly Stuff’ for this term.  The girls have been learning about poetic features such as repetition, rhythm, rhyme and alliteration and have written lines and verses for poems we have been studying (these included Tongue Twisters which we had a lot of fun with).

On Friday they wrote their own poems – all the children chose to use a template based on one of the poems we had already explored and Vivian Ryan wrote her own poem, entitled ‘Cake on a Fine China Plate’. 

I am delighted that Vivian used the features we have been learning about – it also makes me yearn for a slice of chocolate cake on a fine china plate, sitting by a lake!’

Categories: Prep Whole School