Tumultuous times in history.
This term has not seen the grass grow under Prep III’s feet. Mrs Lubowiecka reports that they have spent an intellectually stimulating time in their History and R.E. lessons via blended learning. She says, ‘Prep III are learning about another difficult time the people of London endured – the Great Fire in 1666. They chose to write a newspaper report or a diary entry – just as Samuel Pepys did. I am delighted with their work and so proud of them!’
Here is an example of a diary entry and a newspaper report of this tumultuous time in London’s history!
Prep III have also been learning about the apostles, the first Christians and the birth of the Church. Mrs Lubowiecka reports, ‘Prep III had a ‘big task’ for the first two weeks of this half term – to ‘train to become an apostle’ by finding out about the life of Jesus so they could spread the Good News about him to others’.
Here is another example of the great work that Prep III have undertaken this term!