Lower V and the Recovery Curriculum

Posted: 26th June 2020

Reflecting on the times.  

All through this week of 22nd to 26th June, we have welcomed members of Lower V back to St Augustine’s Priory where they have participated in their Recovery Curriculum.  The aim is to help pupils to recover from their loss of routine, structure, friendship, sleep, opportunity and freedom.; a valuable opportunity to come together out of isolation and share time together.

Pupils were given the opportunity to discuss the past few months of school closure and lockdown and were asked to reflect on the past, the present and the future through answering a series of questions in small groups, before sharing their thoughts as a whole group.

The girls reflected on who and what they had missed, their feelings and how they managed them and how they had marked times of celebration during lockdown, such as birthdays.

Lower V were also asked how they felt about being back in school during this week at this point in the academic year and asked to examine things they have learnt about themselves and the world since they were apart.

They were then asked to examine issues pertaining to the future – from possible holiday destinations to whether recent events have inspired them to choose a career different to one they may previously have thought of.

During the Retreat in the afternoon girls gathered in their bubbles in the Prayer Garden and reflected on the theme ‘Lost and Found’.  They were asked whether they had experienced God lately, what has been life-giving or life-draining and what things are currently occupying their minds and hearts.

The past few months have brought so many changes and challenges and girls were asked to reflect on what they have lost and what they have found and what hopes and desires they wanted to bring to God.

They then considered how fulfilled they were, covering several areas, such as health, family, career and education, and spirituality.  Finally, they were invited to create they own prayer, poem, piece of drama, music or art based on the day’s retreat.

This week it was wonderful to see our Lower V again as they spent time together, enjoying each other’s company.

Categories: Faith Life Senior Whole School
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