Romans to the fore!
The new half term began with Lower I travelling to the past and thoroughly enjoying a day which focussed on the Romans. The Freshwater Theatre Company delivered an exciting day with a Roman television quiz show, ‘Return from the Past’, in the morning, and afternoon workshops. This company has been delivering educational workshops, shows and storytelling sessions in schools since 1996.
Their website states, ‘As one of the largest theatre-in-education companies in the UK, we provide high quality drama workshops and shows to support topics across your entire curriculum or programme. Our workshops encompass history, geography, science, modern foreign languages, maths, literacy, Shakespeare, creative movement, cross-curricular, and PSHE topics.’
During the day Lower I met, among others, centurions, a very fine lady, a market stallholder and even Boudicca! A day well spent in the ancient past.
Categories: Junior Whole School