Calling all Parents!

Posted: 21st June 2019


Association Day excitement.

The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee has a timely reminder for us all!

‘As you know we are fast approaching Association Day which is on Saturday 6th July 2019. We are all looking forward immensely to this event and to seeing you all and hope you and your children will enjoy the celebrations and the entertainments we have in store for the occasion.  If it is anything like last year, it will be a tremendous success!


Pictures from last year’s Association Day

Each year group will have a stall at Association day. Your Class Representative may have informed you about your respective year group stall and your assistance would be greatly appreciated in one of the following:

  • Setting up,
  • Staffing a time slot,
  • Accompany your class rep,
  • Helping to clear up.

Any time you are able to offer (no matter how limited) would be warmly received.

This year we have many entertainments on offer: the Children’s Tombola, Soft Drinks Refreshment & Ice cream stand, Cordials, Face Painting, Inflatables, Sweetie Hoopla, Tokens & Raffle, Arts & Crafts, Bar, BBQ, Adult Tombola.

There is something to delight everyone at this year’s Association Day.

In addition, each year group has been allocated specific items to donate to the tombolas. Please check with your Class Representative what your class has been asked to donate. We look forward to receiving these in the forthcoming days.  We are also collecting raffle prizes as well – so if you are able to contribute anything, it would be most welcome.



Pictures from last year’s Association Day

Calling all fathers! If you are able to help us with a short time slot at the Bar or BBQ do please let us know through your Class Representative – your help will be most welcome.  Your contribution and support is greatly valued, so please don’t feel shy to join us!

Finally, if you are able to volunteer assistance apart from your stall, please get in touch with Sue Aravinth, member of the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for helping to support us, the Association Day is such an enjoyable and memorable event and a day of celebration for us all.’

Below is a list of some of the wonderful items the Parents’ Committee has contributed for the pupils at St Augustine’s Priory through their great events and your untiring support.

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here