Rise Theatre at Ealing Abbey
What makes us happy?
Friday 14th June sees RISE Theatre visiting Ealing Abbey. At 8.00pm this professional Christian theatre company will perform an evening of sketches on the theme of happiness. What makes us happy? Who makes us happy? Where can we find happiness?
Their website says, ‘RISE Theatre CIC is a professional Christian theatre company with a passion for delivering exciting, original, transformative theatre. RISE Theatre is run as a not-for-profit Community Interest Company. We work at schools, churches, events and festivals across the UK
with the aim of inspiring people of all ages to realise their full potential in life.
We are passionate about creating:
– faith based stories that spark the imagination and speak to hearts and minds.
– transformative theatre that holds up a mirror to who we are and who we could be.
Through multi-creative platforms we create opportunities for people of all ages to explore their sense of
identity and purpose in the world.
We continue to engage with a wide range of organisations across the UK, taking part in national tours, commissioned plays, events, festivals, filming, stage work, training, and leading workshops in schools, churches and youth centres.’
Tickets for this event are available from the Ealing Abbey Parish Office or at www.ticketssource.co.uk/ealing-abbey at a cost of £15 per adult ticket and £5.00 per ticket for those under 18.
Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School