Prep I Ballet Display

Posted: 23rd May 2019

On Wednesday 15th May, Prep I treated Miss Keane, Miss Corr, Miss Beaman and their parents to a wonderful display of ballet, showing us what they had learnt in their weekly ballet lessons this year with specialist teacher Ms Perry. All the girls were dressed in their pink tutus and ballet shoes as they showed us their naughty toes, good toes and elegant plies. They danced to a variety of tunes from Tina Turner’s Rolling on the River to Chim Chimney from Mary Poppins.

Ballet encourages good posture, improves coordination and builds confidence. Ballet also promotes a healthy lifestyle, is a great way to bond with classmates and most of all ballet is fun! We could see from the girls’ beaming faces as they performed that they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.  

At the end of the display Ms Perry told the parents how hard the girls had worked this year and how focused they have been in their lessons. Well done Prep I on a wonderful ballet display!


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