Meeting Members of Staff…

Posted: 23rd April 2019

Mrs M George.

We are delighted to welcome Mrs George to St Augustine’s Priory for the start of the Summer Term.  She joins us as Deputy Head Pastoral (Seniors) and we are all looking forward to working with her.  Here, Mrs George introduces herself.

‘I am extremely excited about working at St Augustine’s Priory for many reasons  – but one thing that I’m really looking forward to is being back in a Catholic girls’ school. I was educated in a Catholic convent school in West London; when I walked along the corridors and up some of the old staircases  on my interview day here I really felt like I was coming home to a happy place, it reminded me so much of my old school days. In fact, I’m an Ealing girl (having lived in the borough and educated at St Gregory’s primary school in Pitshanger) so I feel especially connected to St Augustine’s Priory already.

Another thing that I am looking forward to is getting to know all of the girls and families at St Augustine’s. I realise that it takes time to build these relationships but I’m keen to get to know the whole community and hope to see many parents at our forthcoming events in the Summer Term.

I will be taking over from Mrs Collins as Deputy Head Pastoral (Seniors) and Designated Safeguarding Lead so I will endeavour to provide pupils with the care and support they need to help make their time at school as happy as it can possibly be. My office doors will be open for girls to drop in and have a chat about anything that’s on their mind; I’d also love to hear when things are going well, not just when things are difficult or challenging!

Although it feels like a long time ago, I received a first class honours degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Manchester which I have drawn on throughout my teaching career to teach English. I am also qualified to teach drama and I’m looking forward to getting involved with the amazing productions at St Augustine’s Priory  – I was immensely impressed with the quality of ‘Chicago’. When my daughter was still very young and while teaching full-time, I completed my Masters in Teaching at The Institute of Education.  I have just finished a two year GSA course in Leadership which I hope will be beneficial in my new role.

As well as providing high quality pastoral care, my other passions include reading, going to the theatre, writing, travel and baking. Sometime I get to indulge in more than one love at the same time: at my previous school I ran an upper school book club and baked cakes for our monthly meetings! My family especially love holiday times when they know to expect a flurry of cakes and other sweet treats which all need to be eaten up. Animals are also extremely important to me so you can expect to find me lingering around the farm when I have a few minutes. Being out and about in St Augustine’s beautiful grounds is going to be a great treat and, with a view like the one I have from my office, I know this will be just one of the many reasons why I’ll love coming into work every morning.’

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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