Priory Purpose

Posted: 28th March 2019

Priory 6, ABBA and the wider community.

At St Augustine’s Priory we are conscious that although we ourselves form a community, we are also part of the wider community.  Shahla Ghodrat and Zara Al-Naher in Lower VI are part of Priory Purpose, a Priory 6 project that reaches out into this wider community and organises and takes part in a variety of activities.  Here they report on their involvement:

‘Priory Purpose is a charitable project in which every member of Priory 6 takes part. This project can involve a range of things that help people in the community, whether that be in our school or outside. For example, other members of our Sixth Form are fundraising for various charities, organising events and sponsored activities.

Since January a group of us has been volunteering at Chestnut Lodge, a local care home, where we visit the residents and help the staff in anything they need. Throughout our volunteering we have built a relationship with various staff and residents, and noticed how fond they were of music. After brainstorming various ideas for our project, we decided to host a music event for the residents, in which we would sing various ABBA hits and any songs they suggested to us prior to the occasion.

In order to prepare for this event, we needed a little help from our friends! We gathered a few Priory 6 students to create a choir and held regular rehearsals to perfect our performances. Thus, on 26th March we, as a collective, performed for the elderly at Chestnut Lodge. It was a truly humbling experience, one which we all enjoyed (and we even enjoyed some audience participation!).

Through this we have learnt the importance of acknowledging the work and efforts of past generations and reciprocating what they have done for us. We hope that this will be the first of many events, and that we can continue to give back to the community through Priory Purpose’.


Categories: Sixth Form Whole School
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