The Parents’ Committee

Posted: 8th February 2019

A community enterprise.

Mrs Beadsworth is one of the stalwart members of the St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee, an enthusiastic and extremely hard-working group of parents who organise fantastic events throughout the year.  She here introduces the work of the committee:

‘The St Augustine’s Priory Parents’ Committee aims to raise funds for activities outside the usual school curriculum as well as provide the opportunity for staff, students and parents to enjoy social functions throughout the year.


Last term, the Priory Pyrotechnics and Christmas Fair raised £10,000.  At our last meeting of the committee it was agreed to fund fees for the 2019 Schools Shakespeare Festival; new benches for the Prayer Garden, storage facilities for the Nursery and Prep Forest School, a selfie booth for Safer Internet day and the installation of a bespoke human sundial.

Our next event will be the Quiz Night on 15th March.  This is a fun event and not at all highbrow!  There will be a bar, supper and the opportunity to catch up with other parents and perhaps beat the staff team!  Tickets will be available shortly.

We are also looking for volunteers to join the committee to either take on a specific role such as Class Representative, Treasurer or to help with individual events particularly pre-event shopping, bar and BBQ staff.  Please contact us through the school website or let Mrs Collins know if you are available to help.


The following classes currently have no Class Representative and that makes it very difficult for us to communicate about events and donations.  Our meetings are only once a term and it would be very helpful if we could fill these vacancies:

Nursery, Lower I, Upper IIA, Form III, Form III Alpha, Upper IVA and Upper VA.


Do please join us!’

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School