Upper II scientists

Posted: 30th November 2018

Getting to the heart of the matter.

Miss Daya has been leader Upper II through the realm of Science this term and here reports on a fascinating scientific journey and hands-on experience through the anatomy of the heart.

‘This half term in Science, Upper II have been learning about ‘Healthy Bodies’. To further our understanding of the human circulatory system, this week we have performed a heart dissection on a sheep’s heart. This has provided the pupils with a valuable learning opportunity so see for themselves the internal structure of the heart.


After a teacher demonstration and careful consideration of the health, safety and ethical considerations surrounding this activity, the pupils worked carefully in small groups on their own dissection. First, they felt the sides of the heart and were challenged to identify the left ventricle and atrium and distinguish it from the right. Then they identified the various tubes they could see as the superior and inferior vena cava and the aorta. Now it was time to make an incision and discover the chambers inside.

We were very interested to see the valves within the heart and stringy tendons that control them. Taking part in this hands-on scientific activity has been an unforgettable learning experience for our pupils in Upper II.’



Categories: Junior Whole School
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