Red Wednesday

Posted: 30th November 2018

Walking together in faith.

On Wednesday 28th November we celebrated a whole school Mass in the temporary hall.  From the Nursery to Upper VI, together with staff and parents, we marked Red Wednesday.  This annual day is an initiative of the organisation Aid to the Church in Need and we are invited to gather together and pray in solidarity with all those in the world who are persecuted and suffer for their faith.


We were delighted that Fr Thomas from Ealing Abbey was with us and celebrated the Mass, which had been beautifully organised by Lower II Alpha.

Many buildings are illuminated in red on this day but our girls chose to wear items of red clothing or hair ribbons.  Girls took card and cut out their footprints – a sign that we walk with those who are persecuted.


Red Wednesday is a day when we all can stand together as a community of faith for those who cannot.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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