The Priory Farm

Posted: 12th October 2018

Latest chicken news.

After having spent several weeks in the comfort of one of our labs, some chicks have been added to our flock.  To see the excellent chicken handling skills of one of the Science Department as he decants the chicks into the larger coop to join their colleagues, please follow the link here.  Are you able to spot our new rooster, ‘Ken’?

Mr Kane, Head of Science, here reports on the security measures designed to deter raids by foxes:

‘Hopefully the chickens should be safe from any foxes as they are living in a prison.  Some of the design features include:

  • A double door tiger trap with security code entry,
  • Underground chicken wire,
  • A corrugated rooftop,
  • Soundproof shed with key fob entry,
  • Chicken guard entry system,
  • Approximately 20 million cable ties,
  • Also coming soon. Ultrasound fox deterrent system, tiger poo and solar powered cats’ eyes!’

Mr Kane has taken such excellent security precautions that unfortunately he recently shut himself in.

In addition to the above news, the Polish chickens are renowned for being very maternal and just want to mother the chicks.  How the chicks feel about this is not known.  Please follow the link to see!


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