Savvy St Augustine’s Priory girls.
A Level Results Day! Thursday 16th August saw Upper VI girls return to St Augustine’s Priory to collect their results.
At a time when commentators have predicted that boys would outperform girls in the new A Level regime and said that there would be fewer top grades because of unconditional offers, St Augustine’s Priory Sixth Formers have shown that girls are strong, courageous and delighted to rise to tough challenges. Mrs Sarah Raffray, Headteacher, commented, “Our fantastic Sixth Formers and staff have shown that smart thinking, hard work and strategic decision making deliver excellent results and world class university destinations for individual girls. We have been undaunted by the reformed A Levels and are delighted that once again there are so many wonderful stories of personal bests. Our students are canny in the universities they choose and have shown that the new exam system should not be feared. Too many people have gloomily predicted that boys will outperform girls in the new A Levels because girls prefer coursework and don’t like so-called “terminal” exams. This is plainly nonsense. Girls are courageous and strong.”
The school’s percentage of A*s has increased by 4%. 40% of all grades (including EPQ) were A* to A while 50% of candidates achieved two grade As or above (including EPQ). At EPQ alone over three quarters of the grades were A* or A. The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is the equivalent of an AS and is highly valued by all the top universities. More and more universities are including EPQs in their offers to candidates.
Grade A*s and As were achieved in a wide range of subjects, including Biology, English Literature, Geography, Government and Politics, History, Mathematics, P.E., Sociology and Spanish. 100% of grades in History, Mathematics, English, Economics and Spanish were A* – B. The results in AS Levels, which are now stand alone qualifications, were excellent with 100% A grades achieved in Further Maths and in Art. Grade A is the maximum grade available at AS.
In Upper V (Year 11), out of 20 candidates for the Cambridge IGCSE History qualification, 14 girls achieved grades 9 and 8. In addition, in Upper V in the FSMQ Additional Maths qualification, which stands as a bridge between GCSE and A Level, 82% of candidates achieved the top grade of A.
We are proud of the girls’ achievements and students have met confirmed offers for prestigious universities including London School of Economics, University College London, Warwick, Newcastle, Nottingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, Loughborough and also Toronto!
These great results demonstrate the strong impact of the teaching and learning environment here at St Augustine’s Priory where teaching and individual support is delivered in small all-girls Sixth Form classes.
The next week, on Thursday 23rd August saw the Upper V girls receive their GCSE results.
‘St Augustine’s is unashamedly driven to maximise each girl’s academic potential. This is the mission for me, all the staff and the governors of the school. Well done girls, we are so very proud of you.’ Said Mrs Raffray, on the news of the great GCSE results achieved here.
This year the GCSE students at St Augustine’s Priory have achieved some impressive results:
- 66% of all grades were A*/A or 9-7 (+8% on 2017)
- 43% of all grades were A* or 9/8 (+12% on 2017)
- 100% of French grades were A*
- 98% of Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics IGCSE) were A*/A
- 90% of Modern Languages (French, Russian & Spanish) were A* or A
- 61% of the grades in Mathematics, English Language and English Literature combined were 9, 8 or 7
- Subjects with all A*/A or 9-7 were French, Computer Studies, Russian, Latin, Biology, Chemistry and Classical Greek
- 12 pupils (27% of the year group) scored A*/A /9/8/7 in all their subjects
- More than 50% of Religious Studies grades were 9/8
- 55% of all entries in Drama, Music and Art were 9-7
Looking forward to the new academic year there is a wide variety of subjects available at A Level here at St Augustine’s Priory and the Upper V girls look forward to studying in the Sixth Form under the guidance of outstanding teachers with an emphasis on individual support. A love of learning, enjoyment and hard work await them in the Sixth Form and after such a great results day they are all looking forward to the challenge of Sixth Form life.