Poetry Prizes galore!

Posted: 29th June 2018

Young People’s Poetry Competition 2018.

The English Department has announced some amazing news!  St Augustine’s Priory Form III pupils have swept first, second and third places in the Year 7 category of the Young People’s Poetry Competition at the Chiswick Book Festival.

First Prize in the Year 7 category has been awarded to Naomi Nnatu, Form III, for her poem ‘Gone’.  Not content with that, Form III pupils Ava Bileckyj and Ella O’Connor have been awarded joint second prize in the Year 7 category with their poems ‘Impressionism: What is it?’ and ‘The Climb’.  Then to cap it all, the Year 7 category’s joint third prize winners are Elodie King with ‘The True Story of Monday 11th September 2017’ and Sofia Duffy with ‘What You Are To Me’.

Congratulations to all these Form III poets.  This is a great achievement.

We have a good record of submitting and winning prizes at the Young People’s Poetry Competition and it is wonderful to see such a strong showing again this year.

There will be a short prize-giving for all winning poets at the Chiswick Book Festival, running from 12 – 17th September, and we look forward to letting you know more details nearer the time.

The Young People’s Poetry Competition prizewinners 2017, including several of our pupils.


Categories: Senior Whole School