Association: 2008 Leavers return

Posted: 21st June 2018

A ten year reunion.

We are all looking forward to the Association Day on Saturday 30th June when current and past pupils, parents and staff will join together to enjoy a wonderful day of entertainment in our grounds.

A foretaste of this day was held on Sunday 13th May when the leavers of Summer 2008 held their ten year reunion at St Augustine’s Priory.  Staff were here to share memories and meet old friends, including current staff Miss Johnson, Mrs Sumpter, Miss Masih and Ms King and past staff Mrs Sampson, Mrs Madden-Crowe, Mrs Winslett, Dr Gill, Mrs Bailey and Mrs Donovan.  Mrs Raffray welcomed everyone to the afternoon which commenced with Mass.


The Leavers had prepared the Mass, modelled on their leavers’ Mass in 2008.  Beginning with ‘Bind us together, Lord’ which spoke volumes about the closeness of the girls, the Prayers of the Faithful spoke of their affection for St Augustine’s Priory, ‘As we come together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of us leaving St Augustine’s Priory, may our reunion this afternoon give us the opportunity to rekindle friendships.  We give thanks to our former teachers and our families who nurtured and helped to shape our lives’.


After Mass in the Chapel, beautifully celebrated by Fr Thomas, tours of the school were held.  This included some sights that were new to the 2008 leavers, including the refurbished Hall and the Priory Farm – the sheep, chickens and pigs were keen to meet everyone! After this all gathered for tea in the Rose Garden.


As one past member of staff wrote after the reunion, ‘Congratulations to you, Mrs. Raffray and the team on your wonderful Sunday Gathering! Even the sun shone on us as we walked around the 13 acres, visited the animals, chatted, laughed and enjoyed the moment of being together; like a happy day in the country! A Truly Beautiful Sunday and More Happy Memories of St Augustine’s Priory’.

This was a lovely afternoon where friends met up to exchange memories and, for those who had lost touch with each other, to rekindle friendships begun so many years ago.

One of the 2008 leavers wrote afterwards, ‘It was very special to go back and see the school which has shaped our lives so much.  I loved seeing how it’s still a happy place that aims to prepare girls for a fulfilled life and not just for exams.’

The first reading from the 2008 Leavers’ Mass, from the Book of Ecclesiastes spoke of there being, ‘a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven’ and ended, most fittingly for this lovely day, ‘I know there is no happiness for a human being except in pleasure and enjoyment through life.  And when we eat and drink and find happiness in all our achievements, this is a gift from God.’

If anyone is thinking of celebrating a reunion at St Augustine’s Priory, do get in touch, we would love to hear from you! And we all look forward to welcoming you – whether past or current pupil, staff or parent to our Association Day on 30th June.

Categories: Whole School
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