A visit to Hampton Court Palace.
Just before the Easter holidays, on Monday 26th March, Lower II embarked on a historical field visit to Hampton Court Palace. The home of the Tudor and Stuart monarchs, Lower II enjoyed a day exploring history, with particular emphasis on the Tudor period. Mrs Tomlinson, Form Teacher Lower II Alpha, here reports:
‘Lower II participated in a fascinating workshop involving artefacts during their visit, which involved donning white cotton gloves, toured Hampton Court Palace, enjoyed a picnic lunch in the historic Tiltyard, and even met Henry VIII himself!
Here is what some of the girls had to say:
Emily Price commented, ‘My favourite part of the day was meeting Henry VIII and asking him questions’, while Tamara Al-Zarrad said ‘I enjoyed having a tour of the palace because I found out many extraordinary things’.
Lucia Puccetti added ‘My favourite part was when we got to debate!’ and Paige Irvine learned that ‘Henry VIII owned more than 40 pairs of glasses!’
An audience with Henry VIII
It is so important to take advantage of the historical sites in and around London and Lower II were able to enjoy all that Hampton Court Palace had to offer – a great opportunity to investigate history’.
Categories: Junior Whole School