Prep I and Nursery go hunting

Posted: 22nd February 2018

EYFS Forest School adventure

Our Forest School is very popular – covering many aspects of the curriculum and ensuring that children enjoy and take advantage of all that our grounds have to offer. On Tuesday 6th February the Nursery and Prep I set out into the grounds to go on a bear hunt.  Miss Keane, Head of Preps and Pre-Preps, reports on this adventure:

‘We finished our Bear Hunt Theme with a hunt for the bear through the meadow, acting out and reciting the rhyme, going over, under and through obstacles there. We found the bear hidden in the woods ready for his Winter hibernation.

We went back triumphantly to our Forest School Base to warm up by our very own campfire, carefully tended by Mr Mortimer, drink some delicious hot chocolate and learnt about managing risk and fire safety.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session and we learnt about winter, animals that hibernate, reinforced mathematical prepositions, retold the story through movement, rhyme and drama, managing risk and working collaboratively.

Forest School has huge benefits for children’s and adults’ physical and mental wellbeing as well as covering all areas of the curriculum.

We can’t wait until next half term to see what we will be doing in Forest School next!’

Categories: Nursery Prep Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here