Upper I: Une Excellente Tradition

Posted: 25th January 2018

A visit to the École André Malraux

Upper I’s, by now, traditional visit to the École André Malraux in Hanwell took place on Tuesday 23rd January and was a triumph!  Ms Gandi reports that

‘Before the visit, we filled in an information card about ourselves in French and we received cards which contained our partners’ profiles (also in French).  This meant that we not only wrote in French but also had to read and understand French – and all in different handwritings!

The aim of the visit to the École André Malraux was to learn about a French tradition – La galette des rois (the King Cake)  – celebrating the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus on the Feast of the Epiphany, 6th January.  Our French partners prepared the recipe in French and English for each of us and also taught us about the lucky charm which is always hidden in the galette.

We loved meeting our new friends who spoke French and made us feel so welcome. It was amazing how they could switch from one language to another!

It was good to learn about the École André Malraux which has both boys and girls, and we found that they do not wear a uniform.

During the activities throughout the afternoon we used our French, such as in talking about colours or numbers and in greeting one another.

We made crowns during the afternoon, but the highlight was when we all ate our galettes – this was an occasion for fun, learning, friendship and culinary exploration!’


Categories: Junior Whole School
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