Early Years Reading & Literacy Workshops
At St Augustine’s Priory we encourage our parents to be involved in the girls’ school lives as much as possible, from parents giving careers advice to Upper V and Priory 6, to our fantastic Parents’ Committee putting together their fabulous events. In the Nursery and Preps parental engagement is particularly important, and Miss Keane, our Head of Preps and Pre-Preps, is helping to build relationships from the very start of school by organising termly Literacy Workshops.
These workshops are designed to give parents information on many different aspects of the girls’ education, so that a high academic expectation is achieved and parents feel supported through communication. In the Reading Workshop in Prep I earlier this month, Miss Keane explained to parents how we teach reading at school and gave guidance and support on how parents can support their children with reading at home. Miss Keane explained the different strategies that we use and the stages that children pass through as they become more confident and independent readers. This will be followed up by Writing Workshops in the Lent term showing parents how we teach writing at school and how they can support with this at home as well.
In Nursery this week, Miss Honeyman has held a Literacy Workshop for Nursery parents which focused on early talk and communication, developing language and vocabulary skills and pre-reading and writing activities. She talked about how these areas are taught in Nursery and how parents can support their children with their development at home.
Categories: Nursery Prep Whole School