Darkroom now up and running!

Posted: 22nd November 2017

Developments in photography

Our Art Department enables girls to creatively explore and expand their talent in many ways and the great results are on show in our annual Summer Arts Evening.  Whether it be through painting or sculpture, or working with textiles or in photography our Art Department stretches and challenges the girls throughout their time here. We offer Art at GCSE and A Level and we also offer Photography at A Level.

Now, the Art Department is pleased to announce the opening of new facilities in the form of a darkroom for the use of our photographers.  Miss Porter, Art Department, reports:  

‘We have had some great results already with our current Sixth Form making test prints in the darkroom. Girls have learnt about darkroom Health and Safety as well as how to use an enlarger and the concept of using film negatives to form positive prints on photographic paper.

“I really want to try and use the film to create a double exposure!  It’s really exciting to learn a new process, if I could I’d spend all my time in the darkroom!” says Isabella in Lower VI.

In the near future we will have visiting photographer Lottie Hampson coming to run a workshop in the darkroom, watch this space!’

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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