Upper II and their Form III Taster Afternoon

Posted: 16th November 2017

Preparation for lifelong success

On Monday 13th November our first ever Form III Taster Afternoon took place, a new initiative thought up by Mrs Knowles, Deputy Head, Juniors, and Mrs Gosling, Senior Form Teacher, Form III.  You will have read in last week’s article (http://sapriory.com/priory-post/preparation-lifelong-success/) that on Taster Day, Upper II spend an afternoon as a Senior school girl – having time with Form III buddies, Priory 6 ‘Big Sisters’ and in Senior school lessons. Here, Sienna Masih, Pavneet Dhalliwal and Hannah Shahid of Upper II tell us about their experience:

“First, we had an interesting art lesson with Mrs Mackay where we looked at the contrast between humans and animals, and created a collage with animals and humans included. Then we had our lunch break with our Form III buddies and had the privilege of using the grounds to eat our lunch in. We ate our lunch on the pirate ship and paid a visit to the Priory Farm with the managers. They showed us how to be around the three different animals. Then we had to go to the Priory 6 Common Room where we met our Big Sisters and had some refreshments. We then played a massive game of ‘splat’ and returned to lessons.

Our second lesson was history with Mr Ferguson where we learnt about the Normans. He made the lesson very interactive for both classes and we created a poster with our buddies where we looked at tapestries and made our own conclusions. After that we had Latin with Dr Carlton where we looked at the influences of other languages and how Latin was formed and completed a booklet with our buddies on this task.

We really enjoyed being Form III for the day we are very excited for next year. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who took part to make our afternoon special in both Form III, Upper II and Priory 6.”

Categories: Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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