Priory 6’s Fright Night & Afternoon

Posted: 9th November 2017

St Augustine’s Priory’s spookiest annual fundraiser

Back in April this year our current Sixth Form Leadership Team were candidates for office making presentations to Upper II and the rest of the Senior School about their aims and vision should they be elected as School Officials. The girls made a lasting impression, a recurring theme being the desire to use the Big Sister Little Sister programme to help the integration of girls throughout the school. Head of Priory 6 Ms Hagerty said, ‘The girls were modest, truthful in their presentation of themselves and inspiring in their vision’.

Not two months into their first term in Leadership roles and the Big Sister Little Sister programme has flourished – and in some ways expanded.

Alongside their studies, Priory 6 run many fundraising initiatives – you will have seen them selling ice lollies in the playground last term for the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster and running the Macmillan Coffee Morning earlier this term. This Friday, 10th November, will see their spooky annual Fright Night, which recruits staff and pupils to act in a creepy haunted house-style experience for (willing) girls in the Senior School.

This year, for the first time, the Junior school girls from Lower I to Upper II have been invited to ‘Fright Afternoon’, an event for which the girls are invited to donate £2 to this year’s chosen charity, Mind, and will watch a ‘Fright’-filled film in the afternoon, Hotel Transylvania. Not only is this a great fundraising initiative by Priory 6 but, by forming and maintaining relationships between all age groups, they are reinforcing support for the girls.

“As an all-through school, it is important for girls to have opportunities to spend time together – it is a fundamental part of transition to get to know older girls”, Mrs Knowles, Deputy Head- Juniors.

Mind provides advice and support for anyone experiencing mental health problems and campaigns to raise awareness, improve services and promote understanding. This time of year, so close to Christmas, can be especially challenging for many and so this fund-raising event is for a very worthwhile cause.

Categories: Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here