Preparation for lifelong success

Posted: 9th November 2017

Form III Taster Afternoon

We are constantly striving to ensure that girls benefit from being at an all-through school; Junior school girls are increasingly taught by Senior school teachers as they progress up the school, the Big Sister Little Sister programme buddies up new Form III girls for their first year in the Senior School, and initiatives such as the stewardship programme sees girls from throughout the school working together.

Priory 6 & Junior school on International Women’s Day in March

This year, Senior Form Teacher for Form III, Mrs Gosling, and Junior School Deputy Head, Mrs Knowles, are beginning another new initiative – the Form III Taster Afternoon. Mrs Gosling explains the exciting event below:

Big Sister Little Sister games

“This year, Mrs Knowles and I are pleased to launch a new initiative between the Junior and Senior girls. On Monday 13th November, Upper II will gain a taster of life as a pupil in Form III. This afternoon session (beginning Period 4) will allow girls to experience the freedom, academic challenge and opportunities in the seniors. Upper II girls will have a Form III buddy and will also gain a Big Sister from Priory 6, enabling them to answer their questions and to provide them with guidance, which they can call on throughout their time at school. At St Augustine’s Priory we value community and continuity and this opportunity helps to strengthen ties between Junior and Senior School girls. Pupils in Upper II will be challenged with different lessons such as Latin and will be taught by senior school members of staff. Developing this intellectual curiosity in the Juniors will help to encourage girls to stretch their knowledge and understanding and engage in wider reading to prepare them for the challenges ahead.”

A Big Sister Little Sister meet this year

Categories: Junior Senior Whole School
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