Fireworks Fantastical!

Posted: 6th October 2017

A Date for your Diary!

FRIDAY 20th OCTOBER from 6.30pm to 9.00pm


A reminder that the annual fireworks night Priory Pyrotechnics, organised by the Parents’ Committee, is to be held in the school grounds on Friday 20th October 2017.  There will be stalls, a BBQ, bar, refreshments and a professional fireworks display to music. The money raised goes to the school to buy items requested by girls and staff. Do come along for a great evening and in doing so support your school.

Ticket prices on the door are:

Family – £32 (2 adults & 2 children OR 1 adult & 3 Children (under-4s free)

Adult – £11

Child – £7

If you pre-buy your tickets then you will receive a discount on the tickets

Family – £26

Adult – £9

Child – £5

Please fill out the form via this link available here PP687A.mich17 and return it to Reception with your payment or permission slip for your ticket cost to be added to your school invoice.

Do not forget to buy your raffle tickets to ‘Fire the First Firework!’, available in the Prep Playground from Monday 9th October.

Tickets will be issued via your daughter so please do check with her.  If you wish to collect the tickets from Reception instead please indicate below.

Once again there will be two Tombolas.  These are great stalls, and we need donations to make them so.

The Present tombola:  someone else would love to win the present that may not have been entirely useful to you.  Adult and children’s presents welcomed.

The Bottle and jar tombola.  Oil, bubble bath, jam, olives, jars of nuts, bottles of hand cream etc.  (So that the children can have a roll, no alcohol please)

Please drop off donations to the School Reception.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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