What’s On for Priory 6

Posted: 29th June 2017

The Week of Monday 3rd July

Summer Exhibition at the Royal Society, Radon, the Festival of Stuff and post-truth – just some of the topics at events next week.  For more information, please see Mr Salmon.

Monday 3rd July

Weapons of Math Destruction: how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy:  Cathy O’Neil.

We live in the age of the algorithm. Increasingly, the decisions that affect our lives – whether we get a job or a loan, how much we pay for insurance – are being made by mathematical models. In theory, this should lead to greater fairness: everyone is judged according to the same rules, and bias is eliminated. The opposite is true.  A very topical subject.  LSE, 18.00.  http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/07/20170703t1830vHKT/Weapons-of-Math-Destruction

RIBA Late – Beyond Borders:  Each summer, the RIBA gives practicing architects and students the opportunity to display their ideas and work through the Architecture Open. This year, the RIBA invited RIBA chartered architects, practices, architecture students and non-members to design site-specific installations for its headquarters at 66 Portland Place, London.  RIBA 18.00-22.00. Free.  https://www.architecture.com/whats-on/riba-late-launch-of-architecture-open

Airbus is Politics with Wings on it:  K Bennett.  The politics and economics of the Airbus consortium.  RAeS 18.00 Free; need to book. Lovely venue, and very friendly.  https://www.aerosociety.com/events-calendar/amy-johnson-named-lecture-2017/

Tuesday 4th July

SUMMER EXHIBITION AT THE ROYAL SOCIETY STARTS:  This is the finest science event of the year…..

Great scientists showing you what they do, and they love students. Jaw dropping stuff. 22 exhibits and many talks.  Tuesday –Sunday.  Tuesday open 10.00-21.00. Royal Society.  Free.  https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2017/summer-science-exhibition/visitor-information/

Wednesday 5th July

The Evolution of Global Inequalities: the impact on politics and the economy:  Branko Milanovic will discuss the recent evolution in global inequality and focus on the political implications of the important changes in the global distribution of income.  LSE 18.30, Free.  http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/07/20170705t1830vSZT/The-Evolution-of-Global-Inequalities

[Royal Society Summer Exhibition continues, 10.00-17.00]

Thursday 6th July

Post-truth, lies and fake news:   Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland asks why this has become the era of post-truth, how much Donald Trump is to blame, the danger this poses to democracy – and what can be done about it.  1800 King’s College. Free; need to register.   https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/annual-education-lecture-2017-post-truth-lies-and-fake-news-tickets-33007758093

[Royal Society Summer Exhibition continues, 10.00-17.00]

Friday 7th July

Radon; the Geogenic Gas:  A Ferreira.  Radon (Rn) is a unique chemical element, as it is a geogenic, radioactive, noble, heavy gas with no colour, taste or smell. Radon is considered a health hazard due to its radioactivity. Radon exposure is reportedly the second cause of death by lung cancer in the UK (about 1100 per year), thus, possibly the deadliest Geohazard in the UK.   Geologists’ Association at Burlington House. 18.00 Free. They are really nice to students. https://geologistsassociation.org.uk/lectureabstracts.html#july17

[Royal Society Summer Exhibition continues, 10.00-18.00]


Saturday 8th July

[Royal Society Summer Exhibition continues, 10.00-18.00]

Festival of Stuff:  Saturday Extravaganza:  Come along to explore everything from tar 3D printing to plank guitars to a paddling pool filled with swelling dough. Get up close and personal with the life cycle of coffee from bean to bio-fuel, then roast and brew your own with a dollop of micro-foam for good measure. Meanwhile, in a ‘M.I.Y.’ spirit you can make your own DNA-strand pendant and create an etching with kitchen foil. Designers and makers Silo Studio are back with another improbable polystyrene making activity that involves … alphabet soup?

To recover from all that excitement, sit down and do a quiet spot of textural embroidery and stitching with artist Richard McVetis or hunt down a re-invented stroopwafel. Inside the Makespace, explore Marvellous Medical Materials and delve into the ways in which materials impact on our health and wellbeing, or catch up with Hands of X and their beautiful and innovative bespoke prosthetics service.

A lot of it is totally loopy and great fun. Last year they were dipping lead bells in liquid nitrogen….  Institute of Making 13.00-17.00, UCL, Free. http://www.instituteofmaking.org.uk/events/detail/festival-of-stuff-saturday-extravaganza

Sunday 9th July

[Royal Society Summer Exhibition continues, 10.00-18.00]

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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