Upper I ‘At the Restaurant’

Posted: 19th June 2017

Dining in French

Learning languages is far more than reading out of a textbook and doing exercises.  Here Madame Assémat recounts how she has been working with Upper I on a module entitled ‘The Restaurant’.  A delightful culinary experience for all concerned!

‘Just before Half Term Upper I worked in their French classes on ‘The Restaurant’.  First they learned the appropriate vocabulary – food and drinks and how to book a table over the telephone.  This was followed by the preparation of a role-play entitled, ‘At the Restaurant’ where the girls had to order food and drinks, ask some questions and also give their opinion on the food served to them!

I would like to congratulate Upper I who put a great deal of effort into their work and the final outcome – the role-plays were very authentic! The girls brought many props to school to support them in their performances, for example, an apron, glasses, plates and cutlery, a tray, play food and even handbags, purses, a till and a baby!  (Be assured that no smaller siblings were harmed in the production of ‘At the Restaurant!’)  Besides this, during the role-plays the girls were confident enough to complain about the food served to them… just as French people can do!  This was a very authentic performance!’

Lucia Puccetti commented, ‘I enjoyed acting the role–play in French, as I adore French.’  While Solaris Salvucci de Oliveira said, ‘I learnt how to complain about food in French! ‘La salade est trop salée!’

Anaya Garr added ‘I learnt the names of food and drinks how to book a table, how to say a starter: une ‘entrée’, a main dish: ‘un plat principal’, a dessert: ‘un dessert’ and drinks: ‘les boissons’. I learnt how to ask for a glass: ‘un verre s’il vous plaît!’ and finally, how to order food politely.

Evie Ward said: ‘Once I had practised my words, the topic of the restaurant was fairly easy and very enjoyable.  Throughout all this time I learnt that the easiest way to learn the language of the restaurant is to just keep saying it over and over again. That is the easiest way to learn it for me anyway!’ Here is one French sentence that I found the hardest to learn…  ‘Je voudrais reserver une table pour quatre personnes.’ I would like to book a table for four people!’

And Madame Assémat’s final comment?

‘Bravo à toutes les filles!’ (Congratulations to all the girls!)

Categories: Junior Whole School

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