What’s On for Priory 6

Posted: 12th May 2017

The Week of Monday 15th May

Water scarcity, capitalism and surviving Antarctic extremes – three highlights from this week’s offerings of talks from Mr Salmon. For more information, please see Mr Salmon.   

Monday 15th May

Now you hear it, now you don’t: the neuroscience of deafness: What makes hearing possible? Just the size of a pea, the cochlea of the inner ear allows you to detect anything from a pin drop to a car horn. Groups of cells within the cochlea, and in particular the outer hair cells, act as biological microphones to amplify soundwaves and allow your brain to understand a whole world of sound. This is one of the special named lectures that the RS does each year. It will be good. Professor Jonathan Ashmore FMedSci FRS.  Royal Society; 1830, free, first come, first served.


The water scarcity crisis – fact or fiction?: The World Economic Forum considers water crises to be in the top three global risks in terms of impact. Both in the UK and globally, there are ominous predictions about the risk of running out of water and how this threatens economic and social stability. What is the threat to London? London is dryer than Athens… Professor Ian Barker .  1830 Institute of Civil Engineers Free; need to register. They love students.  https://www.ice.org.uk/events/the-water-scarcity-crisis-fact-or-fiction-London

Tuesday 16th May

The Arab Bureau: Archaeologists and Spies in the Middle East during the First World War: When the Ottoman Empire entered the war alongside Germany and her allies in November 1914, British intelligence networks in the regions were a rather disjointed affair. By 1915, it became clear that the system was not suited to the complexity of Middle East politics and had to be streamlined. The Arab Bureau was created in 1916 in an effort to harmonise British political activity in the region. It was expected that a single entity would more effectively channel intelligence reports and information back to Cairo and then London. In reality, it had to deal with a very vast territory, covered by agents who reported to different entities and were in a very anti-empirical disposition when on a mission. A lot of them were intellectuals, and in particular archaeologists, turning scholarship into a deadly weapon. Juliette Desplat. Petrie Museum, UCL. 1800 Free.   http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/calendar/articles/2016-17-events/archaeologists-spies-middleeast-ww1


Capitalism: For much of the early part of the twentieth century, political theorists debated the moral and economic merits of capitalism in competition with communism. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites, and the triumph of the market economy, those on the political left briefly flirted with the idea of market socialism. But critics of capitalism are running out of alternative ideas, to the point that a placard at an anti-capitalism march proclaimed ‘Replace Capitalism with Something Nice!’. In this year’s Ralph Oppenheimer Memorial Lecture Professor Jonathan Wolff will ask: Are we stuck with capitalism? How far can it be modified? How far should it be modified? 1830 LSE Free. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/05/20170516t1830vSZT/Capitalism

Evolutionary perspectives on maternal investment – from conception (or not) onward: A bit technical; how much do and should mothers do for their children? Apparently it is a question of evolution, and mothers have evolved to prefer certain choices. 1730 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Free.


Wednesday 17th May

Surviving Antarctic extremes: This talk investigates the physics of the problems faced by humans and other animals in surviving in the coldest, driest, windiest places on Earth, and the solutions they have to those problems.  Prof Lloyd Peck.  Institute of Physics 1830, free, need to book. Friendly bunch. Bring a coat?


Thursday 18th May

The Equality Effect: improving life for everyone: In more equal countries, human beings are generally happier and healthier, there is less crime, more creativity and higher educational attainment. In this talk to launch his latest book, Danny Dorling shows that the evidence is now so overwhelming that it should be changing politics and society all over the world.  LSE 1830. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/05/20170518t1830vOT/The-Equality-Effect

Butterfly Politics: The minuscule motion of a butterfly’s wings can trigger a tornado half a world away, according to chaos theory. Under the right conditions, small simple actions can produce large complex effects. In this lecture to mark the launch of her new book, Catharine A MacKinnon argues that the right seemingly minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect that generates major social and cultural transformations.  LSE  1700 Free.


Friday 19th May

The World of Rotations: Coriolis Forces, Angular Momentum and Gyroscopes – A Demonstration Lecture: Why do storms in Britain rotate anti-clockwise?  1830 UCL. One of the excellent UCL student’s series. Free.


Renaissance Late: The National Gallery has an evening of events, talks, music, and workshops. Mostly free.

1800 onwards, National Gallery. https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/calendar/renaissance-late


Bank of England Late: Enjoy a rare evening visit to the Bank of England Museum as part of the Museums at Night festival, with special events taking place throughout the night. There will also be a variety of special talks taking place throughout the evening, where visitors can find out more about the museum’s treasured collection. And hold a gold bar.  Bank of England, 1730-2100. Free.


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