The marking of Lent
As we celebrate the Easter Season, Mrs McDermott, Head of Religious Studies, reminds us of Lent and how we at St Augustine’s Priory marked this at the end of the Lent Term:
‘As a community we ended last term with a liturgy organised by Priory 6. They used CAFOD’s Stations of the Cross which enabled us to reflect on the final journey of Jesus, leading to his death on the cross. CAFOD’s resource also made us contemplate the lives of a community in Zambia who have been assisted by money raised through CAFOD’s fundraising work.
As well as reflecting on the verses from the Gospel that retell Jesus’ final journey, Priory 6 also used inspirational quotes from Blessed Pope Paul VI’s letter on the development of peoples called Populorum Progressio, as we pray for the work of CAFOD done in our name which seeks to bring about “An ever more effective world solidarity [which] should allow all people to become the artisans of their destiny.”’
Categories: Faith Life Whole School