Manisha Thukral of Lower VI tells us about the ‘Oxbridge Student Conference’ attended by Lower VI in March. These conferences are designed to provide up-to-date information on the application and admissions procedure at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities, as well as providing an insight into student life;
“Some of the Lower VI attended the Oxbridge Student Conference, which took place at Epsom Downs Racecourse on 22nd March. We spent the day gathering advice from admissions tutors as well as undergraduate students about our university applications. The day began with a generic talk on student life and making a competitive application, but then branched into specific subject talks such as Economics, Engineering, Classics and many more. The conference was attended by international students and was a great opportunity for us to gain an insight into the applications and interview process.”
Mr Murphy, Head of Social Sciences and UCAS
Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School