Lower IV focuses on caring for the environment

Posted: 16th March 2017

Working for change

This week, Lower IV Alpha organised Assembly with the theme of caring for the environment and not being wasteful. In response to a very thought-provoking assembly, the Director of Music and Lower IV Alpha’s Form Tutor, Dr Higgins, made the decision to refrain from printing paper copies of the programme for the Spring Concert on Thursday 16th March but to instead display the programme electronically.  The kitchen is also weighing the food waste this week and Mr Chappory will be releasing plans for the next no-paper day imminently.

This all links beautifully with Pope Francis’ encyclical of 2015, ‘Laudato Si’’, ‘On Care for our Common Home’.

During the Assembly, the following prayer by Christian Aid was said:

‘Dear God,

Thank you for people who have had the courage to stand up for the things that they care about.

Let’s be grateful for the positive changes that have happened

and the things that have been done to make the world a fairer place.

Let’s try to make sure that we are part of the process of creating a fairer world.


Categories: Senior Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

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Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

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