Meeting Members of Staff…

Posted: 15th March 2017

Mr F Green, Physics Department

Mr Green has recently joined us as a member of the Physics Department. But don’t think that he is altogether new to St Augustine’s Priory!  He is married to past pupil, Helena, and is the son-in-law of Mrs Lakomy, who many of you will remember as a stalwart of the Mathematics Department for many years, both as teacher and Head of Department.

Here, Mr Green, introduces himself:

‘Having started life in the province of Sussex, I decided to study at university in London to experience the big city. A decade later I still haven’t left!

I completed my Masters in Physics from Imperial College London and decided that I’d spent enough time considering the universe so joined IBM as a business consultant.

However, the itch of curiosity quickly returned and I was inspired to return to the fold as a science teacher.

Outside of work I enjoy gardening (mostly resulting in the death of plants), learning Polish, which is my wife’s mother tongue, (but making shockingly slow progress) and travelling to see new things: cities, landmarks, etc…

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few months at St Augustine’s Priory; long may it continue!’

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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