What’s On for Priory 6

Posted: 3rd March 2017

The Week of Monday 6th March

Climate change, Russian Revolution or the Universe? Take your pick from these and many other talks for week of 6th March (with an extra, book early event on 14th March on ‘Fashion, faith and fantasy’ by Roger Penrose – a renowned physicist) which Mr Salmon has again selected from all that is going on in London.  For further information, please see Mr Salmon.

Monday 6th March

Climate change:  catastrophe, hoax or just lukewarm?  Professor Tim Palmer FRS speaks on the topic of risk and probability, in contrast with certainty and determinism, in scientific studies of climate change, with some emphasis on the lukewarmist perspective. Royal Society 18.30 Free. https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2017/03/tim-palmer-talk/

Britain, Brexit and the EU:  was this a love affair gone wrong or always an unhappy marriage of convenience?  There are umpteen explanations for the Brexit vote. Was it the banking crisis? Or was it Henry VIII? Or the shifting tectonic plates that cut us off from the continent in the first place? The story of Britain and the EU has been complicated, controversial and ultimately sad. A panel discussion. 18.30 LSE. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/03/20170306t1830vWT/Britain-Brexit-and-the-EU

Tuesday 7th March

The February Revolution in Russia:  What were the key challenges facing Tsar Nicholas II and why was he unable to meet them both in the domestic and international contexts? Prof D Livien.  Museum of London 18.00. Free.


The floating Houses of Parliament concept: Architects Gensler unveiled its concept for temporary Houses of Parliament located on the River Thames in October 2016. The proposed modular structure located on the River Thames could provide a flexible and secure home that helps save the British taxpayer more than £1.8 billion, and allows the urgent repair works to proceed.  It could be built in less than three years in shipyards across the UK and floated along the Thames to be secured and assembled on the river some 10 metres from the Palace of Westminster.  Ian Mulcahey Institute of Civil Engineers, 18.30. https://www.ice.org.uk/getattachment/events/the-floating-houses-of-parliament-concept/The-Floating-Houses-of-Parliament-Concept.pdf.aspx

Wednesday 8th March

The Bailey Bridge: Joint lecture of the ICE and REME; quite a mix!  ‘The Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Royal Engineers will come together to celebrate the remarkable journey of bridge engineering in military operations, which showcases the truly magnificent results that can be achieved when military and civil engineers join forces for a greater purpose’.  18.30 ICE.  https://www.ice.org.uk/events/ice-and-instre-joint-lecture-London

How are the kids? Improving population child health and development: Prof M Blair.  Imagine a future where toddlers are given individual health programmes to optimise health and development based on the latest research into public health and personalised medicine. Would this help pick up and even prevent big areas of concern for modern paediatrics, from mental health to allergies?  Imperial College 17.30. Need to book.


Thursday 9th March

Mathematicians at War: British mathematicians responded to the First World War in several different ways.  There were those who volunteered their mathematical skills for work at the Royal Aircraft Factory where they could experience the practice of flying as well as develop its theory, the National Physical Laboratory where they used wind tunnels, or the Anti-Aircraft Experimental Section of the Ministry of Munitions where they worked on ballistics; those who followed a military path; and those who, for reasons of conscience, refused to take an active part in the War at all.  Professor June Barrow-Green. 18.30 LSE. http://www.lse.ac.uk/Events/2017/03/20170309t1830vHKT/Mathematicians-at-War

Crossrail: How will we keep it running: The Head of Infrastructure for RFLI Crossrail and will be presenting to us about how this new railway will be maintained and the strategic approach to this.  WSP Office, 70 Chancery’s Lane, London, United Kingdom, WC2A 1AF.  18.30. Free, need to book.https://www.ice.org.uk/events/crossrail-how-will-we-keep-it-running-London

Friday 10th March

Seeing the invisible Universe: the past, present and future of IR Astronomy: Dr Giorgio Savini UCL.  18.30 UCL; one of the superb Sixth Form Lectures. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/phys/department/science_centre/tabs/programme


Tuesday 14th March

Fashion, faith and fantasy in the new physics of the Universe: Can the following of fashion, blind faith, or flights of fantasy have anything seriously to do with the scientific quest to understand the universe? Surely not – but Roger Penrose argues that researchers working at the extreme frontiers of physics are as susceptible to these forces as anyone else, and that fashion, faith, and fantasy, while sometimes highly productive in physics, may be leading today’s researchers astray in three of that field’s most important areas—string theory, quantum mechanics, and               cosmology. Roger Penrose is a renowned mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science. He is the recipient of many awards, including the Copley Medal, the Albert Einstein Medal and the Eddington Medal.  The Royal Institution, The Theatre 7.00pm to 8.30pm, Tuesday 14th March.

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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