Studying the Nativity
Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher, Prep III, reports on the recent artistic discoveries of Prep III at the National Gallery…
‘On Thursday 1st December Prep III visited the National Gallery to learn more about the Nativity Paintings they had been studying as part of their R.E. topic this term. Our guide, Jocelyn, was very impressed with Prep III’s knowledge of the Christmas story as she led us round the Gallery’s Nativity Trail.
We learnt more about our three favourite pictures The Annunciation, The Adoration of the Shepherds (one of the largest pictures in the gallery) and the Adoration of the Kings. After lunch we visited several other rooms in the Gallery and were all delighted to see some of the famous paintings we had read about in the art books brought into class by Sofia. As we boarded the coach, Esha summed up our day “It was amazing!”.
Categories: Faith Life Prep Whole School