Upper I visits the British Museum

Posted: 16th November 2016

Ancient Egypt comes to life

On Thursday 10th November Upper IA and Upper I Alpha went on a voyage of discovery to the British Museum.  For this visit Upper I focussed on Ancient Egypt.  They took part in a workshop about the Ancient Egyptian afterlife and toured the Egyptian galleries.


Here are some of their comments:

‘The British Museum was amazing! My favourite part was seeing all the coffins and the mummified people and animals. The priest’s coffin was gigantic, and there was even a mummified cat!, said Leeyana Vamathevan (Upper I Alpha).


While Roma Patel, Upper I Alpha, said that ‘My favourite part was when I saw the Rosetta Stone and the unwrapped mummy. I also enjoyed the workshop!’

Niamh McDermott, Upper I Alpha, had this to say, ‘My favourite part of the trip was seeing the giant sarcophagus and the mummified cat, bull and crocodile. I also liked the jars because they had no missing bits and they weren’t broken. I learned that people were buried with amulets for good luck and that they had different sizes of sarcophagus.’


And Claudia Edison, Upper I Alpha, added, ‘Overall I think the trip was amazing, the best one yet! My favourite part was when I saw the Rosetta stone. I really liked the museum because it was very interesting.’


Thank you to Miss O’Connell and Ms Gambrill who took Upper I on such an exciting expedition!


Categories: Junior Whole School
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