The Week of Monday 7th November
Mr Salmon, Science Department, has prepared another programme of extension opportunities for our Sixth Form (and their parents!)for the week commencing Monday 7th November, with links attached.
From Science, to Hebrew inscriptions to the natural world these talks provide exciting opportunities to discover subjects you may not normally think to explore and will enhance your co-curricular experience!
Monday 7th November
Astrobiology: Jim Al-Kahlili, 7.00pm at the Royal Institution, (cheap).
Recently Discovered Hebrew Inscriptions; Dr J Stokl, AIAS, (free).
6.00pm at UCL; Harrie Massey Lecture Theatre (E8), 25 Gordon Street, London WCIH OAY
Tuesday 8th November
Evolution; New genes from scratch: Aoife McLysaght (a good speaker)
7.00pm at the Royal Institution, (cheap)
Exploring Ocean Wonders: Dr Helen Scales
5.30pm at the Linnean Society (free). One of the Linnean Student Lectures
Wednesday 9th November
Climate Change and Antarctica: B Davies. 6.30pm at the Geological Society; (free), student friendly. Need to book.
The Mathematics of Hair: [well, it is different]: Prof. R Goldstein. 6.00pm at the Gresham College at the Museum of London (free)
Cheetahs; including a live dissection. Sounds wonderfully gruesome. (Free), need to book
6.00pm at the Royal Veterinary College, Royal College Street, NW1 0 London, United Kingdom
Thursday 10th November
Politics of Climate Change: C Roberts (a good speaker). 6.00pm at the Gresham College at the Museum of London, (free)
Friday 11th November
Quantum Secrets of Photosynthesis: Dr Alexandra Olaya-Castro
6.30pm at UCL. Part of the UCL student lecture series. (Free).
Dunhuang and Heritage Management
The International Dunhuang Project (IDP), is a groundbreaking international collaboration to make information and images of all manuscripts, paintings, textiles and artefacts from Dunhuang and archaeological sites of the Eastern Silk Road freely available. 7.00pm at the British Library, (free).
Microalgae: Professor David John, Natural History Museum
6.30pm at Birkbeck, University of London, Lecture Theatre B34, downstairs at the Torrington Square entrance. Free.
Categories: Sixth Form Whole School