Meeting Members of Staff…

Posted: 13th October 2016

Mrs K Bhatti, School Librarian

We welcome this term our new School Librarian, Miss Bhatti, who here introduces herself:

‘Dear Staff, Parents and Students,

I am Karen Bhatti, your new School Librarian. I have worked within an educational organisation as a School Librarian for 16 years. I enjoy working with children and young adults and I receive great satisfaction watching them achieve and succeed in all that they endeavour. Being a part of their journey is truly a blessing.

I have also been on an incredible journey myself. After working in the corporate sector, I had a career change where I completed the MSc/Econ Library and Information Studies with the University of Aberystwyth, Wales. I was fortunate to be nominated and then to win the School Librarian Association’s Very Highly Commended School Librarian of the Year, 2008. . Amongst many other ventures, I was the judge of ‘The Blue Peter Book Awards’ and ‘Scholastic Best Book of the Year.’


Together with my experience, expertise and knowledge gained, I hope to re-establish and develop a Scriptorium, here at St Augustine’s Priory, which will be welcoming and engaging for our students. We aim to challenge our students academically within a caring, nurturing, learning environment that will further enhance their literacy and information research skills which in turn will equip them for life-long learning.

Warmest regards

Mrs Karen Bhatti (ACLIP, MSc/Econ Dip. LIS)

SLA’s Very Highly Commended School Librarian of the Year 2008’

Thank you, Miss Bhatti, for your introduction. I hope that you will be very happy at St Augustine’s Priory.

It should be noted that after judging The Blue Peter Book Awards, Mrs Bhatti was presented with a highly coveted commemorative 50th anniversary Blue Peter badge!


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here