Upper II celebrate the end of Juniors
Mrs Farmer, Form Teacher Upper II Alpha reports on the joyous end of year retreat for Upper II.
‘On Friday 1st July, Upper II spent time together during the morning to reflect on their time in the Junior School at their retreat. The theme was ‘Wisdom’ and it was based on the finding of the child Jesus in the Temple.
During the course of the morning, girls rotated in a carousel of activities. They looked at an artist’s interpretation of the event and discussed it. They participated in detailed scripture reading and considered who they might be in that narrative, as well as how it might have felt in that moment, and they prepared a drama for their Liturgy. Finally girls created acrostic poems on ‘Wisdom’ following a sharing of ideas on what this concept involves.
The morning culminated in a Liturgy where girls brought together all their hard work from the morning, their gifts and talents, and shared in a spiritual moment – one of their last for the junior school – offering up their wisdom to God.’
Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School