Lower IV explore Classical Civilisation

Posted: 30th June 2016

To the British Museum and Beyond

Visits to sites of historical or educational interest have a great value supplementing the work undertaken in classrooms.  The past becomes alive when seeing artefacts – art or everyday articles – which date from the eras studied.

Visiting the British Museum was one such opportunity afforded to Lower IV when they explored the rooms devoted to Ancient Rome.


Ljilja Vincic, Lower IVA here comments about Lower IV’s visit to the British Museum:

‘On Wednesday 22nd June Lower IV went to the British Museum to look at the classical civilisation galleries. Mrs Griffiths, Mr Ferguson, Mrs Moore and Ms Hayden accompanied us on this trip. The visit was fascinating as we saw a glimpse of what it was like to live in Roman times and also came to realise how advanced a society they were. The visit to the museum built on the work we have been doing on classical civilisation at school. We all used our detective skills to find answers to questions on worksheets and we had a great time having photo shoots with the statues! In addition, lunchtime was enjoyably spent on the steps of the museum.

Overall, the visit was amazing  – from seeing the statues of emperors to the household items of the time.  On the whole it was an educative and very interesting experience.’


Categories: Senior Whole School
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