Physics and more at St Augustine’s Priory

Posted: 22nd June 2016

Miss Hayden looks back…

Miss Hayden, Head of Physics, Astronomy teacher extraordinaire and leader of many Duke of Edinburgh expeditions is leaving St Augustine’s Priory in July and here takes the opportunity to look back at her time here:


‘I first arrived at St Augustine’s Priory in October 2010 as a PGCE student ready to learn if I had what it took to be a secondary school Physics teacher. I was warmly welcomed by everyone I met and with their help and support threw myself into planning and teaching my lessons as best I could and involving myself in as many school activities as possible – Parents’ Evenings, school trips and the Carol Service. When I left at Christmas, it was not goodbye but merely ‘See you later,’ and I returned in September 2011 as a newly qualified teacher. I have been at St Augustine’s ever since and have continued to throw myself into my teaching and as many different areas of the school as possible. I have guided girls through their Bronze, Silver, and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, sharing the joyful experiences of camping and hiking through rain, hail, snow and shine. I have helped Astronomy students discover the night sky through after-school observation evenings, and I have done by best to share my love of and passion for Physics, Astronomy and Science with all of my students, from the junior school right up to the Sixth Form – easily my favourite part of the job!


I have enjoyed every moment (well, NEARLY every moment, let’s not mention late homework…) of teaching here and being a part of St Augustine’s, from excitedly talking about science news and developments and books with students, to excitedly telling students about a whole variety of competitions they could enter (Yay Physics Challenge!), and running a variety of Science-based clubs throughout the years – Project Club easily being the most successful, and probably my favourite.

Being here has completely rekindled my love of learning, and has made me realise how passionate I am about it – I am learning every day how to be a better teacher, a better listener, role model, colleague, and student. I am inspired by my colleagues and students to pursue and learn what I love and what interests me, and I have also learned how to be a more efficient and organised worker, despite what my desk looks like!


I want to say thank you to everyone who I have worked with and taught in one capacity or another; they have made me feel welcomed, supported, and a part of the St Augustine’s family. If I can only take one thing away from my time here it is that feeling. I will miss all of you terribly, and will remember my time here with fondness always. So it’s goodbye, I’m off to travel the world – I’ll make sure to send postcards and keep you all updated!’

Categories: Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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