Walk to School Week

Posted: 27th May 2016

Episode One: Pedometer Challenge

From 16th – 20th May ‘Walk to School Week’ at St Augustine’s Priory was a walk on the wild side. Here Mr Chappory, Head of Geography, reports on the pedometer challenge used by pupils and staff:

‘Using the 40 pedometers given to us by Ealing Council, various apps on phones and more traditional ways of working out distances, the students and staff of St Augustine’s Priory engaged in documenting the distances that we walk as part of our journey to and from school. This took place on National Walk to Work week (week beginning 16th May).

Not only did we seek to recognise the amount that students and staff walk on a regular basis, but we encouraged staff and students, who don’t usually walk, to step up to the mark. There were some staggering results.


Every Lower IV, Upper IV and Lower V class were encouraged to take the pedometer challenge and a lot of walking took place. Sadly, some of the efforts were unrecorded but well done to all who walked. Form Upper IV Alpha were the best organised at tracking how much they walked to and from school and, despite not having enough pedometers to go round, they used Ordnance Survey maps in Geography lessons to work out the distances that they walked. Their total was 96 km. Other Forms may have walked just as much or even more, but were unable to quantify their data accurately. A more rigorous recording system will be developed in time for our next challenge.

In terms of the staff, 18 members of staff used pedometers throughout the week and walked an incredible 465 km. Despite my heroic gesture of walking 9.5 km in my journey from Golders Green to school and part of the way from school to Camden, I would like to recognise Mrs Racadio’s efforts as she regularly walks to school and on one day managed to walk over 20,000 steps (approximately 10 km).

Some students in Lower V also walk an incredible amount on a regular basis. An example to us all is Heather Woodman (Lower VA) who totals a massive 40 km a week, every week.

In all a very successful, first, proper Walk to School Week. That’s not all! Please see Ms Keep’s article and photos regarding Wacky Walking Wednesday.

Keep on walking!’


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

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Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

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