Young Scientist of the Year

Posted: 20th May 2016

The Avalanche of Doom! Etc.

Our annual Young Scientist of the Year Competition is a brilliant showcase of the stretching and challenging STEM provision at St Augustine’s Priory. This the third such competition ran from January until April and, as we have come to expect, the standard of work produced by the pupils is incredibly high.

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The judges, Miss Hayden, Miss Varrow and Mrs Harley, were very “impressed with the level of detail in presentations and the depth of research demonstrated by each entry”. On Tuesday 10th May, pieces submitted as part of the competition featured in an exhibition evening for parents, pupils and staff, held in our specialised Science Centre.

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Winners of the competition were announced and trophies awarded during assemblies this week. The results were:


KS2 Group: Angel Rothschild and Ava Bileckyj: ‘Sugar – Is it necessary?’

KS3 Individual: Eliezer Elliott: ‘Heart Dissection’

KS3 Group: Naomi Jeffries and Katie Fung: ‘Building a Magnifying Periscope’



KS2 Individual: Stella Gronager: ‘What Happens Inside A Cocoon?’

KS2 Group: Lily Rai and Priya Rodney: ‘The Avalanche of Doom’

KS3 Individual: Sennen Powell: ‘Dark Matter – Why Is It Dark?’


Each student’s entry contributed the marks gained towards an overall House mark. This year, the winning house is St Raphael! They receive 100 house points towards the House Cup, and their name is the first engraved on the Science Competition Trophy which is on display in the Science Centre.

Miss Hayden, Head of Physics, commented “We are delighted to have seen such high levels of enthusiasm and commitment among participants, the result of which is a selection of entries ranging from models to research pieces to investigations, covering a breadth of topics. Congratulations to all who entered and especially to the winning entries!”


Contributor: TFarmer

Categories: Junior Senior Whole School
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