The Quality of Mercy

Posted: 19th May 2016

‘It is twice blest’  

In this the Year of Mercy, we thought we would share one of the most famous passages in literature about this quality which has been displayed in the school.  Not from the Bible, but from Shakespeare’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’.

As the Spring turns into Summer and we look forward to our Shakespeare Festival and the Parents’ Committee Elizabethan Extravaganza on Saturday 2nd July we can be inspired by our most famous playwright to continue treasuring this Year of Mercy.


Pope Francis said in his first Angelus address in March, 2013

‘A bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just’ and continued later in his address,

‘Let us not forget this word: God never tires of forgiving us, never! ‘So, Father, what is the problem?’ Well, the problem is that we get tired, we don’t want to, we get tired of asking forgiveness. Let us never get tired. Let us never get tired. He is the loving Father who always forgives, who has that heart of mercy for all of us. And let us also learn to be merciful with everyone. Let us call upon the intercession of the Madonna who has held in her arms the Mercy of God made human.’

Categories: Faith Life Whole School
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