The Benefits of Reading (Part Two)

Posted: 5th May 2016

From the Counsellor’s Chair

Mrs Good, our School Counsellor, here contributes the second in her articles on the benefits of reading:

‘In my previous article I explored the benefits of reading to children.  But what if encouraging your child to read is a challenge?  After a day of lessons that includes reading, some children may show resistance or a reluctance to read at home.  Here are some tips that may help.

Let your child choose a book of their liking.  Plan a trip to a book shop or library, search websites that sell books, and let your child choose books that appeal to them.  It could be about a hobby, a topic of interest, fiction, nonfiction.  A book that stimulates the imagination, maintains interest or fulfils an ambition has immense benefits. A child choosing a book is declaring their independence as a reader and commitment to a new journey.


Keep reading material readily accessible around the home.  Books, journals, magazines, newspapers, comics all count. Read to your child.  Establish a routine for reading.  Reading can fit into almost any part of your daily routine.  Make it an enjoyable event, your child may like to dress up as one of the characters.

Demonstrate to your child that you enjoy reading; be a reading model.  Children mimic parent behaviour and if they see you doing something you are keen on they are likely to follow. Read aloud together. Take it in turns.

Talk about what you are reading.  Ask open ended questions to encourage discussion.  It helps your child make connections, increase their comprehension skills and improve memory.  If your child gets fidgety, read with expression or take a break.

Embrace reading as a year round pursuit both in and out of the classroom.  The more a child reads around a subject the better their understanding and appreciation of it.

Happy reading.’


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Whole School
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