Upper I and Lower II deliver Birthday Greetings

Posted: 21st April 2016


Visit to Sandringham

On Wednesday 20th April Upper I and Lower II left St Augustine’s Priory to go on a residential two day visit to Kingswood in Norfolk where they planned to take part in various adventurous activities.

However… on the way they stopped at Sandringham, the Norfolk country estate of The Queen.  They had remembered that it was Her Majesty’s 90th birthday on 21st April and the Preps and Juniors had prepared lots of wonderful birthday cards.


Mrs Van Der Merwe takes up the story…

‘After a long journey from St Augustine’s Priory we arrived at Sandringham to find it bathed in glorious Spring sunlight with bluebells and daffodils in bloom and ducks and ducklings running across the lawn.  The birthday cards for the Queen were in a pretty box decorated with butterflies and had ribbons in the school colours. The cards were presented by girls from Lower II and Upper I who were warmly received by the staff who could not have been more welcoming to us as a group. We loved seeing the house and museum and enjoyed a lovely picnic.’


Roza in Upper I commented, ‘I loved making the card because it’s so much more personal than ones bought in a shop.’  While Kyra, also Upper I, added ‘The Queen is our Queen and I love her because she is so kind and caring.’  Kara in Lower II said, ‘It felt so special to be making a card for the Queen’ and Sophie, also in Lower II agreed that she likes the Queen because she is kind, but also because she is hard working.

We look forward to hearing all about Upper I and Lower II’s adventures in Norfolk on their return.


Categories: Junior Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here